Observed bugs during my gampelay > General Discussion | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS

General Discussion

[General Discussion] Observed bugs during my gampelay

  • Writeramsolcocktapuss
  • Written Date2022-05-28 21:52
  • Count1

Loving the game, noticed some issues on A-testing.

- Auto sort button randomly disappeares and doesnt come back on reload, did i remove it ?

-  After a while of gameplay QWER dont trigger skill animations, gets fixed on reload

- Singe target skills sometimes do not fire on enemy....strange targeting mechanism.

- Random loading screens get stuck on forever loading. gets fixed on reload

- visual bug wiht dropped item sometimes have their text fixed on screen, even when you picked it up or leave the area.

- Occassionally not being able to log in.


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Thank you :).  It helps. I will improve more.