Game browser > Общие вопросы | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS

Общие вопросы

[Общие вопросы] Game browser

  • Создательscream1x
  • Дата2022-09-16 03:32
  • Коммент.3

Hello there fellow Madplayers

Can you tell me why i cant play using the game browser?
I log in using my account and the browser just goes white.Nothing else happens

Any ideas? 

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Комментарий от Abyssmial의 댓글

profile_image Abyssmial Дата

Same happens to me too. I tried to reinstall it but after login it goes to white and nothing else happens.

Комментарий от Xisulonyan의 댓글

profile_image Xisulonyan Дата

I have the same problem with the white screen x)

Комментарий от Hrycu의 댓글

profile_image Hrycu Дата

Press F5 when white screen shows and you should be logged in...