파운더스팩 구매 후 CBT 참여 관련 안내 > Aviso | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


Fixing errors regarding CBT participation after Founders Pack purchase

  • EscritorGMmadworld
  • Fecha de escritura2022-09-16 14:39
  • Cuenta2

Greetings, this is Jandisoft. 

We sincerely thank all players who showed support and excitement for Mad World CBT.

There was a trouble where many purchasers of Founders Pack were unable to participate in CBT, now it’s fixed so that game access is available.

Please leave your valuable opinions on [Feedback Board] if you see areas to improve during CBT.

Thank you.

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Comentario de dinche의 댓글

profile_image dinche Fecha de escritura

cbt전에 파운더스팩 구매한거 심연환영구 미지급 문제는 언제쯤 해결될까요
어떻게 되가고있는지 공지도 없고 문의에 댓글도 없고 결제 관련된 문제인데 중요하지않나요?

Comentario de nuWIN의 댓글

profile_image nuWIN Fecha de escritura

This is not fixed. I purchased founder's pack, i still can't log into game after i purchased founder's pack. When i tried to buy another same founder's pack the website said i cannot buy two of the same packs which means i already purchased 1 already. please fix so i can log into CBT.