[패치노트] CBT 테스트 정기 점검 패치노트(Ver. > Actualizaciones | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


[Actualizaciones] [Patch Note] CBT Regualre Maintenance/Patch Note(Ver.

  • EscritorGMmadworld
  • Fecha de escritura2022-09-16 13:11
  • Cuenta0


- Jurka's skill effect and Ai improvment 

- Farel instance dungeon cutscene improvement 


- Fixed the issue where reward appeared to have not been received when in fact the daily reward for second day of CBT is received 

- Fixed the issue with misdisplay of potion's movement, attack speed, resistance buff value 

- Made a change so that hotkey for closing doesn't operate on survey window

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