Problem:Login result:5 Beelzebub server > 자유게시판 | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


[자유게시판] Problem:Login result:5 Beelzebub server

  • 글쓴이Wyggin
  • 작성일2023-04-27 20:44
  • 1

I was playing until a npc in a quest dungeon did not appear.
I logged out to repeat the quest and now i got the issue.

I press the "start game" buton and first "Waiting packet..." appears in the bottom of the screen.
Then in the top of screen "Unable to create account. Please try ag_ain later. (LOGIN_RESULT:5)"

LOOL u can't write "aga_in" sheeesh calm down i'm pasting your own text...

And that's it... unable to create account.. come on i did create an acc and i was already playing it LMAO.

추천 8 비추천 0
댓글 1

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same prob