Error for change the key > 자유게시판 | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


[자유게시판] Error for change the key

  • 글쓴이ElPola
  • 작성일2023-05-12 00:33
  • 2


I got the following error: I asigned the "G" key to switch weapons and now I can't continue because I don't have a Tribes hotkey

I need help. 


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댓글 2

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Quilombo 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Quilombo 작성일

I got the same error. Could someone solve it?

e84858108 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image e84858108 작성일

you can create a new character, reset the operation key in the setting, and access the character for the first time