They ill create a new server when launch on Steam > 자유게시판 | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


[자유게시판] They ill create a new server when launch on Steam

  • 글쓴이torapleura
  • 작성일2023-08-15 07:03
  • 2

sad to say, but it's the truth, and the only explanation why they don't care about the hacks and bots and dupes they had in the game, they are focused on fixing the game, and when they release it on steam they will announce it with a fresh start on a new server, that is, it will leave the old server with the old and buggy players ..

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LanaRhoades 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image LanaRhoades 작성일

stop crying and play the game you newbie

SerAlpha 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image SerAlpha 작성일

Steam launch got blocked genius, you spam this same BS all over Madworld reddit.