Block on loading > 자유게시판 | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


[자유게시판] Block on loading

  • 글쓴이Axu
  • 작성일2022-09-16 17:21
  • 8

hi , 
i am blocking since last night at the download page at 94 % . ( attached file )  , and after a while the game restarts .
Do you have a solution please ? 

추천 3 비추천 0
댓글 8

댓글 목록

朔锋 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image 朔锋 작성일

me too

Runes 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Runes 작성일

same, cant log in. i have logged in twice but was thrown right into a loading screen with 0% and main screen boot. dev's probably don't even realize.

Runes 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Runes 작성일

F5 till it works or alternate between different browsers

朔锋 님의 댓글의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image 朔锋 작성일

With the new browser, the second browser is also blocked from loading the map XP  i die

Goblinhorns 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Goblinhorns 작성일

I am having the same problem..

Goblinhorns 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Goblinhorns 작성일

I'm stuck on chara screen and when I click on my dude it just resets and I have to click on him again to try to login. but never lets me back in

Luan 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Luan 작성일

I have the same problem, the game stops loading at 50% if I press F5 it stops at 94% then it freezes at 50% afterwards. This happened every time I went to "the colletor's room" sometimes when it's loading to enter or when it's loading to leave it, I created another char and normal login in it, the char that is in "collector's room" doesn't log in.

Damjacko 님의 댓글의 댓글

profile_image Damjacko 작성일

Use Google Chrome, it worked for me.