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Inability to Edit Profile for Accounts Made With Social Accounts Fixed

  • СоздательGMmadworld
  • Дата2023-03-06 18:01
  • Коммент.3

Hello, this is Mad World.


In regard to registration, we provide both direct registration on our homepage via email address and registration via personal social account.


However, the feature for retrieving account information, which should be available only for accounts directly created with email address, was also available for accounts made with personal social accounts, allowing users to change their passwords. And such phenomenon led to an error and inability to edit profile.


Our team made amendment on this matter by making the entire email address, instead of the social account username, to be displayed upon attempt to edit profile for accounts made with personal social accounts. Now you may directly move to the Edit Profile page upon entering your new password, even if you have changed password after registering with your social account.


Please try again if you could not previously edit profile after changing your password for the account registered with your social account.

You will get to see right away what our development team fixed.

(Some of you might have to delete the cookies/cache from the web browser you use.)


If you still experience trouble with account made with personal social account, please contact our customer service ( or make inquiries on our communities.

Our entire team will do our best to provide comfortable, convenient environment of use of our game.


Thank you 

Комментарии 3

Список комментариев

Комментарий от MrTostay25의 댓글

profile_image MrTostay25 Дата

Комментарий от claufinho의 댓글

profile_image claufinho Дата

Whats the release date?

Комментарий от Furzo의 댓글

profile_image Furzo Дата

Hi  there Sweethearts,
Im very excited for  this game for a long time.
Long Story short your communication is very bad in my opinion. To get an approximately time when we will be able to play i got got from another website. i really look forward  for  your  game. Even so my advice is to give people more information. In generals. I follow for over a year, and when there was beta/alpha, which i sadly sadly did not qualify for, which i found out like 2 weeks prior to beta/alpha,  i got hyped, but before that i was checking here and there to see if there is any news, also missed 2 dates where i could be able to test/play the game. My advice would be to give people a window where they would be able to play your game. Or a timeframe  for updates/ gamechanges etc, to keep em come back checking..... Cause i guess there is more people like me who saw this game and thought " dang i want to play this" but figure, since to bad communication they missed a window of opportunity or that there is no way to predict in teh future when they would be able to play.
As i said before, i got the information from a 3rd  party website that the game will launch aout in june this year, not from your "news" "updates"  or "g.m note" section. Consider in general to give more information whats about to come and when. not exactly the  accurate date but like a timeframe/roadmap, that will make people to check back in in that time frame rather than check and get no information or just forget about it. I think this is a stone you  put on your own path in my opinion, even so i cant wait to play Mad World <3