패치노트 > Обновления | MAD WORLD - AGE OF DARKNESS


[Обновления] [Patch Note] June 22th Weekly Maintenance Notice

  • СоздательGMmadworld
  • Дата2023-06-22 11:06
  • Коммент.2

[System Addition and Improvement]

* Now you may use skills even on a mount.

* We added new skills to each weapon type.

- One-handed melee weapon : Breakneck Stab

- Two-handed melee weapon : Indomitable Will

- One-handed ranged weapon : Bomb Barrel Throw

- Two-handed ranged weapon : Spray Fire

- One-handed magic weapon : Electric Current Release

- Two-handed magic weapon : Lightning Storm

* Now you may check the details and values from the tip window upon the skill mastery UI. 

* The amount of gold that can be acquired has been increased depending on the monster's grade and monster's HP/ATK/DEF and various other situations.

- Elite : 300% → 1000%

- Dungeon Boss : 1000% → 2000%

- Dungeon Last Boss: 2000% → 5000%

- Field Boss : 3000% → 10000%

- Ancient Boss : 10000% → 50000%

* Now you may continue crafting (common crafting & Sasha’s crafting) immediately following the previous crafting, even if the window notification for crafting completion is still on display.

* We nerfed the duration of weapon swap to 1 second.

* The death penalty will be applied only under the following conditions:

- Your Madness point has exceeded 1,000 points.

- You have died at either of the two PVP zones.

[Fixes and Bugs]

* Incorrect application of mastery level for some skills has been fixed.

* Incorrect application of option list for legendary items (Lv 91 – 93) has been fixed.

* The incorrect display of values for Lv 2 Lifting Shield, Status Shift, Shock Absorption, and Oak Tree Bark has been fixed (0.% -> %).

Комментарии 2

Список комментариев

Комментарий от csboybr의 댓글

profile_image csboybr Дата

You guys really didn't understand what happened to this game, did you? They lost every player in the game to meaningless decisions and abandonment!

Комментарий от MARCOTA의 댓글

profile_image MARCOTA Дата

All very beautiful, but I wanted to know when the version for mobile devices is coming, do you already have predictions?